Supports iOS 12 to 16

DynamicPeninsula is finally here!

Get Dynamic Island effects on your notch!

Brings most of the iPhone 14 Pro's dynamic island effects on all notched devices!

Enjoy the DynamicPeninsula fluid animations on your iPhone X, XS,iPhone 11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13 and so on.

DynamicPeninsula provides fluid animated UI for the following items:

Music/Now Playing App
Do Not Disturb events
Screen Recording
Connection of bluetooth devices
Volume/Mute switch events
Battery charging/Low battery events

and of course, more items are coming

Compatible with all notched iPhones from iPhone X and up supporting iOS 13/14 and above, OLED or LCD.

Note: A few items are not yet supported on iOS13 since it's a work in progress, while they are fully supported on iOS14 and above.

The tweak that so many people have been waiting for is finally here!

Download now to start enjoying last generation effects instantly!

Check the screenshots below and enjoy!


- Fixed an iPad Pro crash issue.

- Fixed an issue on iPads where Music view wasn't updating info.

- Fixed all crash issues across devices and iOS versions.
- Fixed mediaserver crashes during playback or calls
- Fixed NowPlaying UI not responding correctly
- Added Face ID option.
- Added Maps Navigation option.
- Added persistent option for non-notched devices.
- Fixed duration slider not updating.
- Fixed DynamicPeninsula not dismissing when killing music app.
Updated April 15, 2023
License Commercial Package
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